Photos by SPP Science & Sustainability Lecture Series Coordinator, Liliana Caughman

Lecture series student Ismael Lee and guest lecturer Rus Higley of the Marine Science and Technology (MaST) Center at Highline College observe a red octopus.

Jillian Mayer, an AmeriCorps volunteer who works at MaST, walks the octopus among the aisles at the Science and Sustainability lecture.

During the lecture on octopus intelligence we learned that octopuses have smarts not only in their brain, but in their tentacles and skin. (Check out those good looking smarts! ;>))

Students take a closer look at the visiting red octopus and get an immersive lesson in marine biology.

Rus Higley attempts to derive the meaning of “intelligence” to a full classroom at Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC).

We at SPP would like to thank Rus for initiating the first ever live animal lecture at SCCC. With the inspiration of this fantastic creature, the students were more engaged and inquisitive than ever.
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[…] The Science and Sustainability Lecture Series is currently active in five state prisons, including the longest running and most popular programs at Gig Harbor’s Washington Corrections Center for Women and Aberdeen’s Stafford Creek Corrections Center. Since its conception, the series has held approximately 200 lectures and workshops for a total of roughly 2000 incarcerated students and hosted more than 150 guest speakers. On Tuesday or Thursday mornings, anywhere from 25-80 inmates attend the 90-minute, hands-on informational sessions covering a range of topics including climate change, environmental justice, green building, plant and animal identification, butterflies and composting. In March, the Monroe Correctional Complex organized the first ever lecture series in a Washington Special Offenders Unit, and the guest speakers’ lesson about amphibians’ role in ecology was met with enthusiasm. Another memorable session was one that explored octopus intelligence, during which students were able to interact with a real red octopus. […]