Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW)

ProgramProgram PartnersHighlights as of December 2024
Prairie Conservation NurseryCNLM, JBLM, WA DNR, WDFW, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Oregon Zoo, Pacific Rim Institute for Environmental Stewardship, Whidbey-Camano Land Trust, Friends of Puget Prairies, and Wolf Haven InternationalIn past year, the crew cultivated ~65,000 prairie plants for habitat restoration, increased seed nursery to produce Viola adunca seed for federally endangered Silverspot butterfly on the Oregon coast; 30 workshops on restoration ecology
Gardens and greenhousesTacoma Community College, WSU Extension, Pierce CountyHorticulture has been working with 3 Pierce County Master Gardener (PCMG) volunteers mentoring students in the gardens. These volunteers are also members of the Horticulture Advisory Board. We have partnered with Cedar Creek and Tacoma Tagro as board members. Received a $1,500 grant from PCMG for hydroponic system in the greenhouse.
Pollinator plantingsHanging baskets, perennial and annual pollinator-friendly flowers throughout facility; horticulture group planted additional ~4,000 flowering plants throughout the grounds
BeekeepingMother Earth Farm, Little Eoarthe Farm, Tacoma Community College, Washington Master BeekeepersBeekeeping has been relocated inside the fence near recreation to improve access
Community College HorticultureTacoma Community College, WSU Extension, Pierce County (Master Gardeners)17 students enrolled in Horticulture will earn 55 credits through Tacoma Community College including 3 support classes (English 101, Business Math, and leadership) for full certifications. Horticulture students seeded, grew, harvested and delivered 8300 lbs. of vegetables for prison kitchen. Floral was unable to provide decoration services for the Governor or special events due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mother Earth Farm, offsite farm crewMother Earth Farm, Emergency Food Network, Tacoma Community CollegeTemporarily suspended due to COVID-19; previous year offsite crew of 9 organic farm students grew vegetables for donation to 16 food pantries (quantities not available for 2019); formal education on 17 topics earns 9 credits from TCC
Prison Pet PartnershipThis is the first in-prison pet program in the country! In the past year, 32 dogs were trained, 11 companion animals were adopted, 7 service dogs were placed, and 18 incarcerated individuals were employed.
Sisters of Charity: quilts, fabric crafts, wildlife rescueCommunity members donate supplies; LIHI and multiple non-profits/charities receive donations 14,978 items were created and donated: 1,853 Tyvek gowns, 12,523 masks, 527 release bags, 66 quilts, and 9 sets of curtains for tiny houses.
Waste sorting & recyclingDiverted 86+ tons of materials from waste stream to recycling. Program temporarily suspended for construction, restarted for two months, and then suspended again for COVID-19. In the two months of operation, 25+ tons of material recycled.
Large-scale compostingLast year, composted 158+ tons of food waste. Program temporarily suspended for construction, operating for two months before being suspended again due to COVID-19. 14+ tons of compost yielded in two months.
Electric vehiclesMaintain 2 electric vehicles
Lighting upgradesContinued replacement of fluorescent T8 lamps with LED lamps facility-wide as lamps burn out. Close to 75% replaced as of December 2020.

Articles about WCCW


Bringing honeybees back to WCCW


Personal victories

Persistence pays off: beekeeping in Massachusetts jails

Rethinking the Landscape of Incarceration


Wolves: More like Humans Than You Would Think!

A Beautiful Spring and Explosive Summer at WCCW

Long Live the Kings!


Prairie technicians visit the prairie

Building the pool of environmental instructors for the women’s prisons

A day for pollinators in prisons

What do the students get from SPP lectures? Part Three

Lecture Series Coordinators 1, 2, 3

Summit for Beekeeping in Prisons

What do the students get from SPP lectures? Part One


Photos from WCCW Work party


WCCW Graduates first Roots class – photo gallery

Live Falcon and Certification Ceremony makes Lecture Soar

Seeing Two Worlds Combine

Sustainability… in Prison? SPP Coordinator and MES Graduate Candidate, Tiffany Webb, shares her experience of working in prisons


WCCW Sustainability Workshop

First Prison to be Certified as Wildlife Habitat!


And Then There Were Three: Third Hoop House Complete at Washington Corrections Center for Women

Take Your Child to Work Day at WCCW

Filmmaker visits two prisons

WCCW’s Science & Sustainability Lecture Series: An Inmate’s Perspective

Washington Corrections Center for Women Celebrates its SPP programs

Conservation Nursery Crew Begins Work at WCCW


SPP Lecture Series Update

Washington Corrections Center for Women Horticulture & Floral Design Programs

Bountiful gardens at Washington Corrections Center for Women

Guest Blogger: Babel goes to prison

Stormwater presentation at WCCW: Inmate blog


The Women’s Village: A Source of Change for Incarcerated Women

WCCW Winter Lecture Series a Success


Dick Meyer Brings Fair Trade to Prisons

Lectures Captivate Offenders at the Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW)


Women offenders gather for health conference inside prison

Health conference for incarcerated women