Liliana Caughman
Graduate Research Assistant
SPP Lecture Series Program Coordinator
The Evergreen State College
Liliana Caughman was born and raised in the college town of Claremont, California, the farthest east city in Los Angeles County. Growing up in urban and suburban sprawl, she spent many days cruising through the desert and hiking in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. She has always had an unquenchable appetite for knowledge, unhindered ambition, and relentless curiosity. Her aspiration to deeply understand the natural world led her to a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley.
Throughout her career, Liliana has linked physics to real world problems, both environmental and social. Through a National Science Foundation (NSF) research fellowship at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), she was able to use atmospheric and climate physics to investigate drought in sub-Saharan Africa. At the Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science (E3S), she was an educational manager and mentor for a program that empowered community college students to conduct scientific research at UC Berkeley. After graduating, Liliana began a career as a Wind Energy Analyst. She spent a year engineering wind farms for DNV GL, a global environmental consulting firm, and then realized that she wanted to further her education with a Master’s Degree.
With this unique background and horde of experience, Liliana is delighted to be with SPP. She brings excitement about the sciences and clean technology to the Science and Sustainability Lecture Series. Liliana believes people are innately inquisitive and will utilize resources to learn about their environment and better their world.