Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCCW)

ProgramProgram Partners Highlights as of December 2024
Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly programU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Oregon ZooProgram continues to set records: ~2,700 caterpillars were released in March; Technicians can now earn free college credit for this program.
BeekeepingWest Sound Beekeepers Association, Washington State Beekeepers Association2 hives were tended to in 2024
GRACE (Gardening for Restoration and Conservation Education) ProjectKitsap Conservation District,
Central Kitsap Foodbank
Planning to restart in 2024 or 2025.
Vegetable gardens340 pounds of produce using in the facility kitchen
Flower gardensFlower gardens for every living unit; continued cultivation of existing flower beds, front area revamped with increased use of pollinator-friendly wildflowers
ChickensChicken tenders participate in chicken education, 3 chickens are trained and walked on harnesses throughout the facility. Chickens are part of the composting program.
Conservation crewsKitsap Conservation District, Great Peninsula Conservancy, Jefferson Land Trust, WSDOT, WDFW, Suquamish Tribe Fisheries.Program temporarily suspended due to COVID-19; planting project, invasive weed removal, creek and estuary flood control.
Small-scale compostingRevisiting composting on site with the support of WCC.
Waste sorting & recyclingNearly 26,400 lbs of cardboard to recycling in past year
Water use reduction & catchment30,000 gallons catchment in ponds; low water use per person, 68 gallons/incarcerated resident/day in past year
Pawsitive Prison ProjectKitsap Humane SocietyOver 200 cats and 20 dogs were adopted out in 2023. 24 cats were fostered and most returned to their homes.
Plant and animal habitat20 bird boxes, 2 bird feeders
House plantsAll living units have houseplants and numerous staff have plants in offices

Articles about MCCCW


Amazing GRACE: Garden Grows Vegetables, Hope

First Graduates in 4 Years!


Susan Christopher reflects on her experience raising endangered butterflies in prison

Gardening for a good cause in Kitsap County

Mission Creek butterfly technicians visit Taylor’s checkerspot habitat

Astrobiology for the Incarcerated – Washington


Bees at MCCCW – Photo Gallery

Celebrating another flight season for butterfly technicians

Building the pool of environmental instructors for the women’s prisons

Taylor’s checkerspot wake up and release

Excellent Student and Teacher


The Bridge to Evergreen

Healing people and the environment

Tales of Transformation

Mission Creek Checkerspot Spotlight


The Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterfly Program Releases Another Butterfly

Roots of Success Marathon Instructor Training, Part Two: Day Four

Flight of the Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterflies

More Food for the Very Hunger Caterpillars at MCCCW

Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterfly Rearing

Roots of Success Marathon Instructor Training, Part Two: Day Four

Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterfly Rearing


More Food for the Very Hungry Caterpillars at MCCCW


The Butterflies Get Their Own Computer

Counting the Birds instead of counting the days until summer at Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women

SPP Says Goodbye and Best Wishes to Dedicated Butterfly Technician


Butterflies from MCCCW released with the help of Attorney General’s office attorneys

Filmmaker visits two prisons

Another successful rearing season for the Taylor’s checkerspot butterflies at Mission Creek

High diapause survival and a successful release for the butterfly program at MCCCW


Butterfly Techs at Mission Creek Helping with the Evergreen Environmental Observation Network

SPP Butterfly Internship Experience

Celebrating a Successful Inaugural Season for the Butterfly Program at Mission Creek

Newly arrived Taylor’s checkerspot butterflies thriving at MCCCW


Inmate Technicians Attend Annual Species Recovery Conferences

December Butterfly Update

Butterfly Rearing Commences at Mission Creek

SPP Launches New Conservation Program at Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women