SPP Network
Unlikely partners working together in every kind of corrections environment.
Based on widespread interest in Washington’s programs, The SPP Network was established in 2012 as nine formal teams, supported with funding from the National Science Foundation. SPP-model programs flourished at each of the formal sites.

Nine state and county teams met in Salt Lake City to launch the SPP Network. Photo by by Guinnevere Shuster.
In recent years, no dedicated funding for a national and international expansion has been available. However, involvement in SPP-model programs continues to grow, and particularly the multi-state programs such as Nature Imagery in Prisons and Sagebrush in Prisons require frequent national contacts. We respond to new contacts on a weekly basis. We continue to provide limited support to existing Network contacts, explore and develop national contacts, and lay plans for future development. SPP-Washington is recognized by other countries, states, and counties for leadership in environmental education and nature programs in prisons.
The quantity of new and ongoing contacts points to powerful, largely untapped resources. We are able to leverage existing resources to provide minimal support and resources; With funding for additional staffing, we could provide higher quality leadership nationally and internationally. For a partial list of SPP-affiliated programs nationwide, see our Network program list.
To sign up for our contact list, submit this form.

Implementation (dark green) of and interest (light green) in SPP model programs in the United States, 2020.